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Hot Springs In New Mexico Map

Hot Springs In New Mexico Map Welcome to our article on hot springs in New Mexico! If you’re looking for a unique and rejuvenating experience, hot springs offer the perfect escape. In this guide, we’ll take you on a journey through the natural wonders of New Mexico, where you’ll discover a diverse range of hot springs waiting to be explored.

Hot springs have long been cherished for their healing properties and therapeutic benefits. The combination of warm mineral-rich waters and beautiful natural surroundings creates an oasis of relaxation and serenity. Whether you’re seeking a soothing soak, a romantic getaway, or a chance to connect with nature, New Mexico’s hot springs have something to offer everyone.

In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of hot springs in New Mexico, highlighting their historical significance and cultural value. We’ll also provide you with an overview of the different types of hot springs found in the state, from natural geothermal wonders to developed hot springs resorts.

One of the essential tools for planning your hot springs adventure in New Mexico is a detailed map. We’ll introduce you to a comprehensive hot springs map that will serve as your guide, showcasing the locations and features of the most popular hot springs in the state. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, this map will be an invaluable resource to help you navigate your way to the perfect hot spring destination.

Throughout this article, we’ll also explore the different regions of hot springs in New Mexico, from the northern part of the state, with its mountainous landscapes, to the central region, rich in history and culture, and the southern region, known for its desert beauty. Each region offers a unique hot springs experience, and we’ll provide you with insights into the notable hot springs in each area.

Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable hot springs adventure in New Mexico? Join us as we dive into the world of natural geothermal wonders, discover the health benefits of hot springs, and answer frequently asked questions to help you plan your trip. So sit back, relax, and let’s begin our exploration of the hot springs in New Mexico!

Exploring New Mexico’s Hot Springs

Hot Springs In New Mexico Map

New Mexico is a treasure trove of hot springs, offering visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the soothing and healing waters that bubble up from deep within the Earth. In this section, we will take a closer look at the diverse range of hot springs found in the state and explore their unique characteristics.

A. Overview of New Mexico’s Hot Springs

New Mexico boasts a remarkable collection of hot springs scattered throughout its diverse landscapes. From the snow-capped peaks of the Rocky Mountains to the arid deserts of the south, each region offers its own distinct hot springs experience. These geothermal wonders have been attracting visitors for centuries, and their popularity continues to grow as people seek natural remedies and serene retreats.

B. Geographical distribution of hot springs in the state

To fully appreciate the abundance of hot springs in New Mexico, it’s important to understand their geographical distribution. Hot springs can be found in various regions, including the northern, central, and southern parts of the state. Each region has its own unique geological formations that contribute to the presence of hot springs.

C. Importance of hot springs in New Mexico’s culture and history

Hot springs hold significant cultural and historical importance in New Mexico. Native American tribes considered these natural thermal baths sacred and believed in their healing properties. Over time, hot springs became gathering places for communities, where people would come together to relax, socialize, and rejuvenate. Today, hot springs continue to be cherished as part of New Mexico’s rich cultural heritage.

In the next sections, we will dive deeper into the types of hot springs you can find in New Mexico, from untouched natural springs to developed resorts that offer additional amenities. Join us as we uncover the hidden gems and popular destinations within the state’s hot springs landscape.

Types of Hot Springs in New Mexico

New Mexico is home to a variety of hot springs, each with its own unique characteristics and experiences to offer. In this section, we will explore the different types of hot springs found in the state, providing insights into both natural and developed hot springs.

A. Natural Hot Springs

  1. Description and characteristics

Natural hot springs are geothermal wonders that arise from deep within the Earth’s crust. These springs are formed when groundwater is heated by geothermal activity and rises to the surface, resulting in pools of warm or hot water. Natural hot springs offer a more rustic and unspoiled experience, allowing visitors to connect with nature in a tranquil setting.

  1. Famous natural hot springs in New Mexico

a. Name of natural hot spring

  • Description of the hot spring’s location, appearance, and unique features.
  • Highlight any notable historical or cultural significance.

b. Name of natural hot spring

  • Description of the hot spring’s location, appearance, and unique features.
  • Highlight any notable historical or cultural significance.
  1. Unique features and experiences

Explore the distinct qualities and experiences that natural hot springs in New Mexico offer. Discuss factors such as temperature, mineral composition, surrounding landscapes, and any specific activities or rituals associated with these hot springs.

B. Developed Hot Springs

  1. Explanation of developed hot springs

Developed hot springs are those that have been enhanced with additional facilities and amenities for visitors’ comfort and convenience. These hot springs often feature pools, soaking tubs, changing rooms, and other infrastructure to enhance the overall experience.

  1. Benefits of developed hot springs

Discuss the advantages of visiting developed hot springs, such as controlled water temperatures, improved accessibility, and additional services like spa treatments or therapeutic programs. Highlight how these developments cater to a wider range of visitors, including families and individuals seeking a more structured hot springs experience.

  1. Notable developed hot springs in New Mexico

a. Name of developed hot spring

  • Description of the hot spring resort, including facilities, accommodations, and recreational activities available.
  • Highlight any unique offerings or attractions that set it apart.

b. Name of developed hot spring

  • Description of the hot spring resort, including facilities, accommodations, and recreational activities available.
  • Highlight any unique offerings or attractions that set it apart.

In the next section, we will introduce a hot springs map of New Mexico, which will serve as a valuable resource for exploring and locating these natural and developed hot springs throughout the state.

Hot Springs Map of New Mexico

Hot Springs In New Mexico Map

A. Introduction to the hot springs map

To assist you in navigating the abundance of hot springs in New Mexico, we present a comprehensive hot springs map. This map provides a visual representation of the locations and features of the various hot springs throughout the state. It serves as an invaluable tool for planning your hot springs adventure and ensuring you don’t miss out on any hidden gems.

B. Explanation of the map’s features and purpose

The hot springs map of New Mexico is designed to be user-friendly and informative. It displays the geographical distribution of hot springs in the state, highlighting key regions and individual hot spring locations. The map includes markers or icons representing each hot spring, allowing you to easily identify their positions and plan your itinerary accordingly.

C. Highlighting the major hot springs regions in New Mexico

The map distinguishes different regions within New Mexico that are renowned for their hot springs. It identifies major hot springs hubs, such as the northern, central, and southern parts of the state. By highlighting these regions, the map enables you to focus your exploration on specific areas based on your preferences and travel plans.

D. Importance of the map for visitors and travelers

The hot springs map of New Mexico is an indispensable resource for visitors and travelers seeking to experience the state’s hot springs. It provides a comprehensive overview of the available options, allowing you to customize your itinerary based on your interests, time constraints, and desired locations. The map also offers additional information, such as nearby attractions, accommodations, and access routes, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable hot springs journey.

In the following sections, we will explore the hot springs found within each region of New Mexico, uncovering the notable hot springs destinations and the unique experiences they offer. Let’s dive deeper into the hot springs adventure awaiting you in the different parts of the state.

Regions of Hot Springs in New Mexico

New Mexico is divided into distinct regions, each offering its own hot springs experiences. In this section, we will explore the hot springs found within the northern, central, and southern parts of the state, highlighting their unique characteristics and notable destinations.

A. Northern New Mexico

  1. Overview of hot springs in the region

Northern New Mexico is known for its stunning mountain landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Within this region, numerous hot springs provide opportunities for relaxation and exploration amidst picturesque surroundings. Discuss the general ambiance and features of hot springs in Northern New Mexico.

  1. Description of notable hot springs in Northern New Mexico

a. Name of hot spring

  • Location and description of the hot spring
  • Notable features or attractions
  • Any historical or cultural significance

b. Name of hot spring

  • Location and description of the hot spring
  • Notable features or attractions
  • Any historical or cultural significance

B. Central New Mexico

  1. Overview of hot springs in the region

Central New Mexico offers a blend of natural wonders and vibrant cultural experiences. This region boasts a variety of hot springs, providing visitors with an array of choices. Discuss the overall character and offerings of hot springs in Central New Mexico.

  1. Description of notable hot springs in Central New Mexico

a. Name of hot spring

  • Location and description of the hot spring
  • Notable features or attractions
  • Any historical or cultural significance

b. Name of hot spring

  • Location and description of the hot spring
  • Notable features or attractions
  • Any historical or cultural significance

C. Southern New Mexico

  1. Overview of hot springs in the region

Southern New Mexico showcases the beauty of the desert landscape and offers a unique hot springs experience. Explore the hot springs found in this region and discuss their distinct qualities and attractions.

  1. Description of notable hot springs in Southern New Mexico

a. Name of hot spring

  • Location and description of the hot spring
  • Notable features or attractions
  • Any historical or cultural significance

b. Name of hot spring

  • Location and description of the hot spring
  • Notable features or attractions
  • Any historical or cultural significance

By exploring the hot springs within these regions, you can choose the ones that align with your preferences and travel plans. In the next section, we will guide you through the process of selecting the right hot spring experience based on various factors.

Choosing the Right Hot Spring Experience

Hot Springs In New Mexico Map

When planning your hot springs adventure in New Mexico, it’s important to consider several factors to ensure you have the perfect experience. In this section, we will guide you through the process of selecting the right hot spring based on your preferences and needs.

A. Factors to consider when choosing a hot spring

  1. Location: Determine the region or specific area of New Mexico that interests you the most. Consider factors such as proximity to other attractions, accessibility, and the type of landscape you prefer.
  2. Natural or developed: Decide whether you prefer a natural hot spring, offering a more rustic and unspoiled experience, or a developed hot spring with additional amenities and services.
  3. Water temperature: Take into account your tolerance for hot water temperatures. Some hot springs have varying degrees of heat, allowing you to find the perfect balance for your comfort.
  4. Size and crowd preference: Consider whether you prefer a more secluded and intimate hot spring or one that attracts a larger crowd. This will help determine the level of solitude or social interaction you desire.

B. Identifying the desired experience and amenities

  1. Relaxation vs. adventure: Determine whether you are seeking a peaceful and tranquil hot spring experience focused on relaxation or if you prefer a more adventurous atmosphere with opportunities for activities such as hiking or wildlife spotting.
  2. Additional amenities: Decide if you would like access to facilities such as changing rooms, showers, picnic areas, or even spa services. Some developed hot springs offer these amenities for added convenience and comfort.
  3. Family-friendly or adult-oriented: Consider whether you are traveling with children and if you require a family-friendly hot spring that caters to all ages. Alternatively, you may prefer an adult-oriented hot spring for a more serene and adult-focused experience.

C. Tips for planning a hot springs trip in New Mexico

  1. Research and gather information: Utilize resources such as websites, travel guides, and reviews to gather information about specific hot springs, including their features, accessibility, and any special requirements.
  2. Check for permits or reservations: Some hot springs may require permits or reservations, especially for popular or restricted-access locations. Make sure to check and secure any necessary permits or bookings in advance.
  3. Pack appropriately: Bring essentials such as towels, bathing suits, water bottles, and appropriate footwear for walking or hiking around hot springs. Additionally, consider packing sunscreen, insect repellent, and any personal items you may need.

By considering these factors and tips, you can select the perfect hot spring experience that aligns with your preferences and ensures a memorable and enjoyable journey. In the next section, we will delve into the health and wellness benefits of hot springs, shedding light on their therapeutic properties.

Health and Wellness Benefits of Hot Springs

Hot springs have been renowned for centuries for their therapeutic properties and the health and wellness benefits they offer. In this section, we will delve into the various ways hot springs can promote healing, relaxation, and overall well-being.

A. Mineral-rich waters for rejuvenation

  1. Balneotherapy: Hot springs are known for their mineral-rich waters that are infused with beneficial elements like calcium, magnesium, sulfur, and potassium. These minerals can be absorbed through the skin, promoting skin health, improving circulation, and soothing various skin conditions.
  2. Skin nourishment: Soaking in hot springs can help moisturize and nourish the skin, leaving it feeling soft, smooth, and rejuvenated. The minerals in the water can assist in maintaining the skin’s natural pH balance and promoting cellular regeneration.
  3. Stress relief and relaxation: The warm water and tranquil surroundings of hot springs create a serene environment that promotes relaxation and stress reduction. The combination of buoyancy, warmth, and the soothing sound of flowing water can help calm the mind and relax the body.

B. Hydrotherapy and therapeutic effects

  1. Muscle and joint pain relief: Hot springs’ warm water can provide relief from muscle aches, joint stiffness, and chronic conditions like arthritis. The heat helps relax muscles, reduce inflammation, and improve flexibility, offering natural pain relief.
  2. Improved circulation: The heat of hot springs causes blood vessels to dilate, which improves blood circulation throughout the body. This enhanced circulation can deliver oxygen and nutrients more efficiently, aiding in the healing process and promoting overall cardiovascular health.
  3. Stress reduction and sleep enhancement: Soaking in hot springs can stimulate the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good hormones. This can help reduce stress, anxiety, and promote better sleep patterns, resulting in improved overall well-being.

C. Respiratory and detoxification benefits

  1. Respiratory health: The steam and mineral-rich air near hot springs can have positive effects on respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and allergies. Inhaling the natural vapors can help clear nasal passages, reduce congestion, and promote easier breathing.
  2. Detoxification and cleansing: The minerals in hot springs water, along with the increased body temperature, can stimulate sweating and help eliminate toxins from the body. This natural detoxification process can support overall health and vitality.
  3. Immune system support: Hot springs’ mineral-rich waters and the relaxation they induce can have a positive impact on the immune system. By reducing stress, improving sleep, and supporting overall well-being, hot springs can enhance the body’s natural defense mechanisms.

Hot springs offer a holistic approach to wellness, providing a combination of physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Embrace the opportunity to immerse yourself in these natural wonders and experience the rejuvenating effects they can have on your health and well-being. In the next section, we will address some frequently asked questions to provide further insights and guidance for your hot springs journey.

Hot Springs In New Mexico Map FAQs

Hot Springs In New Mexico Map

Here are some frequently asked questions about hot springs in New Mexico and their corresponding answers to provide you with further insights and guidance for your hot springs adventure:

  1. Are hot springs safe to visit?

Yes, hot springs are generally safe to visit. However, it’s essential to exercise caution and adhere to safety guidelines. Be mindful of the temperature of the water, avoid submerging your head underwater, and be aware of any specific rules or regulations at each hot spring location.

  1. Do I need to make reservations to visit the hot springs?

While some hot springs in New Mexico require reservations, many are open to the public on a first-come, first-served basis. It’s recommended to research and check the specific requirements of the hot springs you plan to visit to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.

  1. What should I bring when visiting a hot spring?

When visiting a hot spring, it’s advisable to bring essentials such as towels, a bathing suit, water bottles, sunscreen, and appropriate footwear for walking in the area. Additionally, consider packing insect repellent, a change of clothes, and any personal items you may need.

  1. Are there any age restrictions for hot springs?

Age restrictions may vary depending on the hot spring location. While some hot springs are suitable for all ages, others may have specific restrictions or guidelines, particularly if they are more remote or require hiking to access. It’s advisable to check the suitability of the hot spring for your specific age group before planning a visit.

  1. Can I visit hot springs in New Mexico year-round?

Yes, many hot springs in New Mexico can be visited throughout the year. However, it’s important to note that weather conditions and accessibility may vary depending on the season. Some hot springs may have limited access during winter months due to road closures or challenging terrain.

  1. Are there any etiquette guidelines for hot spring visitors?

Respecting the environment and fellow visitors is crucial when visiting hot springs. Follow any posted rules or guidelines, maintain cleanliness by packing out any trash, and be considerate of noise levels to preserve a peaceful atmosphere for everyone’s enjoyment.

  1. Can I swim or bathe in all hot springs?

While most hot springs allow swimming or bathing, there may be certain hot springs where soaking is not permitted due to their fragile ecosystems or other factors. It’s important to check the specific rules and regulations of each hot spring you plan to visit to ensure you are following proper etiquette.

  1. Are there hot springs suitable for families with children?

Yes, there are hot springs in New Mexico that cater to families with children. Some hot springs have designated family-friendly areas, shallow pools, or nearby amenities suitable for children. It’s advisable to research family-friendly hot springs in advance to find the most suitable options for your family.

Remember to consult local authorities or hot springs management for the most up-to-date information and specific details regarding safety, accessibility, and any requirements for visiting hot springs in New Mexico. In the next section, we will conclude our guide with some final tips and reminders for your hot springs adventure.

Natural Hot Springs In New Mexico

New Mexico is known for its diverse landscapes and natural wonders, including a number of hot springs scattered throughout the state. Here are a few notable hot springs in New Mexico:

  1. Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs: Located in the small town of Ojo Caliente, this historic hot springs resort is one of the oldest in the United States. It features several mineral-rich pools with different temperatures, along with a variety of spa services.
  2. Gila Hot Springs: Situated in the Gila National Forest, these remote hot springs offer a tranquil and secluded experience. The springs are accessible via a short hike and are surrounded by beautiful wilderness.
  3. Montezuma Hot Springs: Found in the scenic Carson National Forest near the town of Las Vegas, Montezuma Hot Springs consists of several pools varying in temperature. These springs have a long history and were once part of a famous resort.
  4. Jemez Springs Bath House: Located in the charming village of Jemez Springs, this bath house provides visitors with the opportunity to relax in natural mineral waters. The village is also home to other hot springs, including those found along the Jemez River.
  5. McCauley Warm Springs: Situated in the Valles Caldera National Preserve, McCauley Warm Springs offers a unique hot springs experience in a volcanic setting. It requires a short hike to reach the springs, and visitors can enjoy the warm water in a beautiful outdoor setting.
  6. Riverbend Hot Springs: Located in the town of Truth or Consequences, Riverbend Hot Springs offers a range of pools overlooking the Rio Grande. The waters are rich in minerals and the resort provides a relaxing atmosphere for visitors.

Please note that some hot springs may require fees or reservations, and it’s always a good idea to check for any restrictions or guidelines before visiting. Enjoy your hot springs adventure in New Mexico!

New Mexico Hot Springs Resort

Hot Springs In New Mexico Map

Sure! Here’s some information about a popular hot springs resort in New Mexico:

Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resort & Spa is a renowned hot springs resort located in northern New Mexico. Nestled in the scenic Rio Grande Valley, the resort is known for its natural mineral springs, stunning landscapes, and relaxing atmosphere.

The Ojo Caliente hot springs have been used for centuries for their healing properties, and visitors come from near and far to experience their soothing effects. The resort features a variety of mineral pools, each with a different mineral composition and temperature, allowing guests to customize their soaking experience.

In addition to the hot springs, Ojo Caliente offers a range of spa services, including massage therapy, facials, and body treatments. The resort’s spa utilizes indigenous and organic ingredients, providing a truly rejuvenating and holistic experience.

Accommodations at Ojo Caliente include charming adobe-style guest rooms and suites, as well as private cottages. Many rooms feature kiva fireplaces and private outdoor soaking tubs, allowing guests to enjoy the tranquility and natural beauty of the surroundings.

The resort also boasts several on-site dining options, serving delicious and healthy cuisine made with locally sourced ingredients. From casual fare to fine dining, there’s something to satisfy every palate.

Beyond the hot springs and spa, Ojo Caliente offers a range of outdoor activities, such as hiking, biking, and bird-watching. The resort is surrounded by scenic trails and breathtaking landscapes, providing ample opportunities for exploration and relaxation in nature.

Whether you’re seeking a romantic getaway, a wellness retreat, or simply a peaceful escape, Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resort & Spa offers a perfect haven in the heart of New Mexico’s enchanting landscape.

Best Hot Springs InĀ  New Mexico

Hot Springs In New Mexico Map

Determining the “best” hot springs in New Mexico can be subjective, as different individuals may have varying preferences. However, here are a few hot springs that are often regarded as top choices among visitors:

  1. Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs: As mentioned earlier, Ojo Caliente is one of the oldest and most renowned hot springs in the United States. It offers a range of mineral-rich pools, including lithia, iron, arsenic, soda, and a mud pool. The resort also provides various spa services, making it a popular destination for relaxation and rejuvenation.
  2. Gila Hot Springs: Situated in the scenic Gila National Forest, these remote hot springs provide a tranquil and natural setting. The springs are accessible via a short hike and offer a peaceful environment surrounded by beautiful wilderness. The rustic atmosphere appeals to those seeking a more secluded hot springs experience.
  3. McCauley Warm Springs: Located in the Valles Caldera National Preserve, McCauley Warm Springs is known for its unique setting within a volcanic landscape. The springs can be reached after a short hike and provide a beautiful outdoor environment to soak and relax in warm waters.
  4. Blackstone Hotsprings: Situated in the town of Truth or Consequences, Blackstone Hotsprings offers private, indoor mineral baths. The baths are filled with thermal waters rich in minerals, providing a luxurious and intimate hot springs experience.
  5. Spence Hot Springs: Nestled in the Jemez Mountains, Spence Hot Springs offers a picturesque setting and stunning views. The pools are formed by small rock dams, allowing visitors to adjust the temperature by adjusting the water flow. The hike to reach the springs is relatively short but involves some uneven terrain.

These hot springs are just a few examples, and there are many more throughout New Mexico that offer unique experiences. It’s advisable to research and consider factors such as accessibility, amenities, and personal preferences when choosing the best hot springs for your visit.

Private Hot Springs New Mexico

Hot Springs In New Mexico Map

Certainly! New Mexico is home to several private hot springs that offer a more exclusive and intimate experience. One such option is the Riverbend Hot Springs, located in the town of Truth or Consequences.

Riverbend Hot Springs is a charming boutique hot springs resort situated along the banks of the Rio Grande River. This tranquil oasis provides visitors with the opportunity to soak in the mineral-rich waters while enjoying stunning views of the surrounding desert landscape.

What sets Riverbend apart is its focus on providing a peaceful and private experience for guests. The resort offers a variety of private soaking pools, some of which can be reserved for individual use, allowing you to enjoy the therapeutic waters in seclusion.

The water at Riverbend Hot Springs is sourced from natural hot springs on the property and is not chemically treated. The mineral content of the water is known for its healing and relaxing properties, making it an ideal place to unwind and rejuvenate.

In addition to the private soaking pools, Riverbend Hot Springs also offers cozy and comfortable accommodations, including individual casitas and suites, all thoughtfully designed to create a serene and inviting atmosphere.

Hot Springs In New Mexico Map

The town of Truth or Consequences, where Riverbend is located, also offers other attractions and activities for visitors to enjoy, including art galleries, restaurants, and the picturesque Elephant Butte Lake State Park.

If you’re seeking a more intimate hot springs experience in the enchanting landscape of New Mexico, Riverbend Hot Springs is a wonderful choice to immerse yourself in relaxation and natural beauty.


New Mexico is a treasure trove of hot springs, offering a wealth of relaxation, natural beauty, and therapeutic benefits. In this comprehensive guide, we have explored the diverse hot springs in New Mexico, highlighted the regions where they are located, and provided insights on choosing the right hot spring experience for your preferences.

We’ve discussed the importance of understanding the types of hot springs, exploring their unique characteristics, and using a hot springs map to navigate through the vast and enchanting landscapes of New Mexico. By considering factors such as location, natural or developed settings, water temperature, and crowd preferences, you can tailor your hot springs experience to meet your desires.

Hot Springs In New Mexico Map

Moreover, we’ve examined the health and wellness benefits of hot springs, acknowledging their potential to soothe muscle and joint pain, reduce stress, promote skin rejuvenation, improve circulation, and contribute to overall well-being. Through the healing properties of mineral-rich waters and the therapeutic effects of hydrotherapy, hot springs offer a holistic approach to relaxation and revitalization.

Additionally, we’ve provided answers to frequently asked questions, addressing common concerns and providing guidance for a safe and enjoyable hot springs journey. By following etiquette guidelines, making necessary preparations, and being mindful of any age restrictions or reservations, you can ensure a memorable and hassle-free experience.

Hot Springs In New Mexico Map

As you embark on your hot springs adventure in New Mexico, remember to respect and appreciate the natural surroundings, follow any rules or regulations, and embrace the tranquility and serenity that these remarkable natural wonders provide. Immerse yourself in the warm waters, let go of stress, and allow the therapeutic properties to nourish your body, mind, and soul.

So, pack your essentials, plan your route using the hot springs map, and embark on a journey of relaxation, rejuvenation, and exploration. Discover the magic of New Mexico’s hot springs, create lasting memories, and embrace the incredible healing powers that nature has bestowed upon these remarkable geothermal wonders.

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